Professional Resources

Person-Centered Obesity Care and Treatments

Female head nurse comforting a patient

Obesity Care Resources You Need

Determining the individualized care for the people you see deserve begins with finding the resources you need. We understand the connection between people with obesity and the health care professionals who treat them is of utmost importance. We want to strengthen that relationship and provide the resources, tools, and support that’s needed to deliver person-centric care.

Online Learning

We’re committed to continuing education through the ADA's Institute of Learning — with more than 70 free webinars, courses, and self-assessments to elevate your knowledge of obesity and its care.

On-Demand Webinar

Effective Obesity Management in the Primary Care Setting

Discover five actionable tips for obesity care and its related issues in the primary care setting. Participants will gain insights into the pathophysiology of obesity, factors that contribute to weight regain, medical and surgical options, and personalized obesity care plans. 

On-Demand Webinar

Incretins and Weight Management for Type 2 Diabetes

This program aims to enhance understanding of diabetes and weight management strategies, focusing on lifestyle and medical therapies, including the role of incretin therapy. It addresses the underutilization of effective medical interventions due to the limited knowledge and experience of clinicians. The course also covers effective counseling techniques for individuals with diabetes and obesity and emphasizes understanding the stigma associated with these conditions in diverse populations to improve healthcare delivery.

Hands-On Live Webinar

Diet, Lifestyle, Medicine, and Beyond: CardioKidneyMetabolic Strategies for Managing Obesity

In this webinar, the panel will discuss obesity, an independent disease state that affects the cardiokidneymetabolic (CKM) state and which deserves individual and targeted treatments. Speakers will discuss the dietary, lifestyle, and pharmaceutical approaches to this disease. The panel will host a live Q&A at the end of the session.